Samantha Collins and Tom O’Connor will facilitate the second “Better Conversations, Better Outcomes” workshop series for the community of Salem, Oregon. Tom and Samantha work with professional teams, nationally and internationally, to transform their patterns of communication and capacity to name and solve difficult problems. They are now sharing their expertise with people facing challenges in their every-day lives. This three-session workshop fosters people’s ability to have better conversations that lead to more change and meaning in their life. Parents, spouses, doctors, business leaders, teachers, managers, counselors, coaches, and pastors, learn how to weave the values and skills of Motivational Interviewing, Coaching, and Dialogue into their daily life and relationships.
Community of Salem, Oregon
Start Time
6:00 pm
January 8, 2020
Finish Time
8:00 pm
January 22, 2020
Salem, Oregon
Event Participants
Samantha Collins
Transforming Corrections
Tom O’Connor
CEO, Transforming Corrections