Developing and Competent Chaplains

How do you know if you are becoming a more competent chaplain with each passing year? In a year from now, will your skills, your humanity, and your relationship with the divine be the same or more complex? Research has found that most people in the helping professions stop growing in their skills after about two years of work in the field. A small group of professionals, however, keep on growing, and they achieve much higher rates of success with the people they serve.  This webinar will show you how to be one of those professionals who keep growing.

Tom O’Connor, Ph.D. has trained thousands of chaplains in the US, Canada, Ireland, England, Sweden, Australia, and New Zealand, and he has learned that training is not enough to ensure growth.  Adding the right kind of support, objective assessment, feedback, and coaching about what we say and do in our actual ministry is necessary to develop our natural strengths and grow in our skills.

Tom will talk about a new process of selecting, supporting, training, assessing, giving feedback, and coaching chaplains to competency as an active listener, coach, change agent, and learner. After six months in this process, your skills, humanity, and relationship with the divine will be more developed and more complex. At the heart of this approach is a small online practice community of fellow chaplains and a skilled coach who can help you avoid stagnation and burnout, gain support, and ensure measurable growth in your skills, wellbeing, and competencies.

Learning Objectives for Participants:

  • Increase your appreciation for the fascinating research on human development and professional competency.
  • Become more thoughtful, open and intentional about your own professional development and competency as a chaplain.
  • Increase your motivation to take steps to grow as a chaplain.
  • Determine the next step you need to take to develop your natural strengths and competencies.

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Start Time

10:00 am

December 14, 2017

Finish Time

11:30 am

December 14, 2017


Webinar: National Association of Catholic Chaplains 2017 Webinar Educational Series

Event Participants

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