How often have you been at a meeting and wished it would end so you could go and get some real work done? Many agencies and people are not very good at meetings or dialogue. We know that collaboration is …
The Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) developed by Andrews, Bonta, and Wormith, is one of the most widely used tools in the criminal justice system. Based on the Risk-Need-Responsivity model, the LS/CMI measures risk factors associated with recidivism as …
What the Heck is a ‘Practice Model’ and Why Should I Care? If you are a probation or parole officer working in community corrections, you already have a ‘practice model’. Your model consists of all the practices …
Transforming Corrections relies heavily on the emerging discipline of Implementation Science to inform its work of assisting agencies in achieving improved outcomes through the effective delivery of evidence-based practices (EBPs). By guiding agencies in the scale-up of innovative practices through …
COVE is a recent innovation developed by Transforming Corrections and J-SAT for the purpose of helping agencies build their coaching bench strength and enable contexts more effectively for the sake of successful implementations. In essence, COVE is a basic coaching model …
Immunity to Change® Seminars and Coaching According to Daniel Goleman, the famous author of Emotional Intelligence, the Immunity to Change1 process contains “…brilliant insights into the mysteries of the change process at the heart of personal and organizational success…” Every one of us has …
While an organization may be aware that its current challenges are both “adaptive” and “technical” in nature, the real need may be to make headway on the adaptive or cultural aspects of its challenges. Technical challenges take resources, time, and …
Motivational Interviewing (MI) plays a central role in our approach to Transforming Corrections.1 MI is all about helping people change and overcoming their natural ambivalence to change. Change, especially adaptive change, is difficult for individuals and for agencies, so we …